A letter to Rafael Nadal: “Thank you, Rafa!”

Photo via espanasiempre's tumblr
Photo via espanasiempre’s tumblr

A letter to Rafa, written by a 15 year old fan named Joely on Tumblr. 


Dear Rafa,

You lost today, and it was painful.

You lost to someone who had never taken a set off of you before, who was in his first grand slam final, who nobody expected to win, but you lost.

But what I want to say is thank you. Thank you for everything.

Thank you for being such an amazing competitor and fighting to the very end no matter what.

Thank you for pushing the boundaries of your sport, playing to the absolute limit.

Thank you for showing such compassion and fire on the court, inspiring so many people to do the same.

Thank you for pulling off the most ridiculous shots that make me jump and scream and yell “VAMOS!” just as you do.

Thank you for being such a humble, kind person, and making me love you more every time you speak.

Thank you for having such humility, such respect for everyone, especially your next opponent even if they’re ranked so lowly compared to you and are most likely to get beaten by you.

Thank you for being, in my opinion, the greatest competitor to ever play the sport, for fighting for every single point and never ever giving up on anything.

Thank you for playing through the pain that must be excruciating, for never giving up, for never backing down.

Thank you for bringing such happiness into my life by playing your very best tennis and winning so many titles.

Thank you for being there when I’m sad, even though you don’t know you are, I can just watch one of your old matches and feel instantly better.

Thank you for showing that you’re human on the court, showing your passion or disgust at the shots you hit, bringing another level into your game.

Thank you for being so brutal and fearless on the court, putting everything on the line to win, but being such a gentle and shy person off the court, because these two things compliment each other perfectly.

Thank you for making my life that little bit better every day.

So thank you, Rafa, for everything.

Source: rafito-rogelio.tumblr.com


  1. What a beautiful letter written to Rafa from a very mature young man. I feel the exact same way Joely. I can’t put into words about this beautiful, powerful, well mannered athlete. I never cared that much about tennis until 2 yrs. ago when I saw him and Roger play. I began to love the game. I had a serious crush on you Rafa, and forever will. It’s more a great love and admiration. What a Champion to finish out the game for Stan, for him to get his fame and glory. Am happy for him. Kind of a poor sport at times. So thank you Rafael Nadal ( a beautiful name) for giving me a passion for the game, and the excitement when you are walking through the tunnel. So proud of our #1 Champion of the world. A huge title! Please don’t be down for the loss against Stan. That will probably be your only loss this yr. Let’s hope for stats like 2013. Much love to you my precious Champion of the World!!

  2. por favor , es muy mala la traduccion ,cambia y muy mucho el contenido de lo por mi expresado .por favor alguien que domine el idioma pero que realmente sepa como traducir el ESPAÑOL

  3. mejor comentario no he visto y me identifico con el hacedor del mismo .nada que reprocharse RAFAEL ,si un merecido GRACIAS por ser como es ,un GRANDE .hasta el proximo juego ,estaremos pendientes de lo que tu puedas brindarnos que para nosotros eres una motivacion de vida …vamosssssss

  4. Thanks for saying what many of us really feel in our hearts. We love the competitor in you that fire you bring to every match. I thank you much.

  5. Thank you Joely for such a heartfelt letter to Rafa. You have expressed my feelings exactly. Rafa brings joy into many lives. Rafa gives us so much to look forward to, he brings the sun out for many ;people. We all love him and you’ve said it all. Thank you.
    A GREAT RAFA FAN – Marylynn

  6. Excelente carta comparto exactamente lo mismo parece que Joely sintió lo mismo que siento yo nadie lo pudo haber expresado mejor

  7. De la part d’un garçon de 15 ans , c’est tout simplement incroyable cette lettre écrite à Rafa
    Après avoir lu ; je constate que moi aussi je ressens exactement la même chose que ce garçon ;je suis pleine d’admiration pour toi Rafa;que ce soit dans la douleur d’avoir perdu cette finale ou dans le bonheur lorsque tu as soulevé les trophées à Roland Garros ou à l’US Open .Je suis une dame de 60 ans mais je t’adore pour tout ce que tu représentes ;que ce soit sur le court ou en dehors .Soigne toi bien champion et VAMOS RAFA pour la suite de la saison. Fais moi rêver et vibrer

  8. just an amaziing letter !! I think exactly the same !! OMG ! thx !! in fact it’s just the only word we can say to our great and best champion RAFA !!!!

  9. GRACIAS RAFAAA!! por tantos momentos inolvidable que nos proporcionas .-Soy tu principal fans. soy una abuela pero te sigo a muerte !! Gracias, gracias, gracias

  10. I share your sentiments completely dear Joely.. Thank you for writing such a beautiful letter for our dear, one and only, Rafa..

  11. What more is there to say?? Thank YOU, young Joely, for your beautifully expressed thoughts. And for “getting it.” May you find much happiness in life by living by these words!

  12. wow, This made me speechless
    Many people around me don’t like the player that is rafael Nadal. But I’ll show them his letter and say: guys, if he even makes one persons life better, he is worth it!

  13. Rafa never need apologize. One loss does not mean he’s not a Champion. He is. He’s also a gentleman and a good sport. Not only the Sport, but the World, needs more men like this young man. I’m in his corner, always.

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