Sergio Ramos, Jorge Lorenzo and other stars show their support to Rafa Nadal

It’s been a tough day for us. Our emotions have gone from optimism, to concern, to worry, to sadness. But it’s just another bad day, as Rafa said. There will be good days ahead, many of them, and hopefully very few bad ones. Whatever happens, our love for Rafa will always be a constant.

Today, instead of our usual Rafa Roundup, we’ve decided to do something a little more positive. We’ve all either seen the match, or read or heard about it, and we certainly don’t need read any more analysis of it. We’re simply going to present to you the outpouring of well wishes that came in for Rafa after the final.

In case we’ve missed any names, do let us know in the comments below, and we will update our post. For now, let’s just celebrate this wonderful man that we love, and be happy that we have him in our lives. Vamos!

Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (16)

Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (2)

capture-20140127-234824 Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (3) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (4) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (5) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (6) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (7) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (8) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (9) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (10) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (11) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (12) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (13) Rafa Nadal Australian Opeen 2014  (14)

Mark Weber Rafa Nadal Australian Open 2014  (18)

Rafa Nadal Australian Open 2014  (18)


  1. I Can imagine Rafa smiling his beautiful dimpled child like smile, with his twinkling eyes, telling his fans: Time heals all wounds no? <3 #VamosRafa #AlwaysandforeverTeamNadal

  2. What a wonderful effort reaching the final after struggling so much with that nasty blister. I was very sorry you were having a problem with your back, I hope you will make a speedy recovery from here and will have a happy season winning many trophies 🙂 ALL THE BEST xx

  3. My husband and I both love Rafa and have been following his career for years, we always know what he is capable of and what kinda of player he is. He’s aa man of integrity and willpower, and that alone is to be admired. All the best in this 2014 season Rafa!

  4. it was really difficult to see Rafa injured and still tried to play. he was hurting but because he was committed to the sports and the fans, he continued on. we know he is always a fighter, whether he is winning or losing. and he is properly motivated to win despite all odds but his condition must hampered him so much that he was unable to do his best. while we acknowledge that Stan was playing great, Rafa could still give him a good fight and win if he was 100% fit. so sorry, I cried for Rafa and felt how it must have affected him. but God bless his humble heart and hope to see him healthy again for his next matches. Rafa, we will always cherish you as our champion, no one is like you in your humility and courage. remember, we will always be behind you in win and in defeat. may you get better and hope to see you healthy in your next matches. win Rafa!d

  5. Rafa, never forget that your wins is ours and your loses are our too. We love you so much in good in bad times. I cried with you too but I also jumped of joy when you won.

  6. ¡Admiramos profundamente tu valentía de continuar por el camino hacia tus sueños!!Animoooo CAMPIIIIIIII-))

  7. Stan deserved to win……based on the situation and the performance but obviously if Rafa was fit and at his 100% best, the match would’ve taken a new turn…….. Rafa doesn’t break down at the middle of the match if he is not in “REAL” pain (which some people are saying) ……..And he played through that pain even after that and raised his game and even won the 3rd set…….. It’s easy for us to sit back and shout “c’mon c’mon u can do it”…….. but he only knew what pain he was going through and on top of that Stan was playing some remarkable tennis………. Australian crowds should be ashamed of themselves for booing him and then supporting him later only TO SEE A “REAL” MATCH WITHOUT EVEN CARING ABOUT RAFA’S HEALTH……….. They are not real nadalistas……… But Rafa said that Stan deserved to win and that the day should belong 2 Stan for his 1st slam win and Stan was very generous too, which shows their good friendship and humanity! Rafa has always been and will always be a champion and he simply showed that yesterday……….. Lastly, one defeat doesn’t matter…………… just a bad day, tough one……… He needs to get back in shape right now and be healthy and ENJOY tennis for the rest of the season……… That’s all……. His health is all that matters!

  8. Rafa, words cannot express how bad i felt yesterday for you. you have played brilliantly all through the 2 weeks and it was unfortunate for it to end that way. you displayed the qualities of a champion both on and off court and all of us love you for it, it is a quality that is very special to have. I wish you the very best of a recovery and the very best for the rest of 2014. i look forward to you dominating the clay courts once again and once again the very best wishes for the future.

  9. Rafaaaa, it’s not about the winning thing the most important, but it’s about how fast you can stand up again. You can do it. You can learn better from experience. Get well soon and stay healthy

  10. The Australian Open seems to have a thing for those aiming to achieve their 14th slam. Whatever it is Rafa, you may not win that trophy but you certainly won the hearts of your fans and i am sure many new ones from the great attitude you displayed. More concerned about the crowd getting their money’s worth than the pain you had to endure to complete the match. You are the best example of a great athlete. I dread the day when you finally hang that racket so i cherish every moment i get to see you play tennis, in glory or in defeat coz one thing we know for sure, you always give your best. Chin up dear Rafa, you will be back stronger. Just stay healthy, and remain humble. A great role model. Rest well and take care Rafael.

  11. Is this is kind of deja vu? In 2009 roger was also in similar situation…with stuck on 13 gs n lost in painful final in wich he also cried….n then he won back to back rg n wimby….so might be this is sign for rafa….vamos

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