Rafael Nadal Sunday practice 2018 Wimbledon photo (6)

One comment

  1. Remember Rafa,as you always have…those lines written above the entrance to the Players Lounge I believe T Wimbledon……”If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same ………Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it and -which is more – you’ll be a man my son”. You ,above all , are the exemplar of both the courage and the humility that is the backbone of good sportsmanship. Rudyard Kipling who wrote these words in the poem ” IF” to his son in 1910 would agree Ifeel sure. Every good wish for your continued success at Wimbledon …You are a great man . Jean Palmer presently in Winnipeg Canada but a Londoner born and bred.

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