Rafa responds to being targeted by Russian hackers: “I have never taken anything to improve my sporting performance”

Rafael Nadal has responded to a leak of his confidential medical data after he was one of a number of athletes targeted by a group of Russian hackers.

Here’s what Rafa said:

It is a private matter which does not need to be private. No need for a hacker to deliver it. It would be good for everyone. If every time you successfully do a doping test, [and] it’s announced and the results are published, it would finish all these discussions and all be transparent.

There are many things which, day to day, are banned substances, but when you ask permission and you get it, it stops being illegal … I have never taken anything to improve my sporting performance. Simply, the doctors told me to take something to improve my knee.

Source: tennis.com


  1. Get with it – im a woman and at least i dont go on and on and on. Having read some of yr stuff it looks like yr the confontrational one

  2. Oh margo why dont you just shut up with your high and mighty attitude. Some of your comments to others make awkward reading as if yr trashing what they’re saying. Everyone has a right to have their say without being at the mercy of you giving a lecture. Arthur – i agree with everything that you have said. Is it any wonder that some regulars dont use this site anymore?

    • You and Charlie? Now you speak for others? Sad really. I guess you both have your significant other in place, with tape over their mouths, as you tell them to shut up. Can’t get any more macho than that! What did Arnold Schwarzenegger say? Stop being girlie-boys?
      Members may respond to each other’s comments without being rude. Confrontation is not necessary.

  3. The last time I comment on this vulgar subject. Think I found the Fancy Bears on youtube. A Russian news programme (in English) projected an unbelievably biased view of the leaks. A collection of anti-west propaganda, blatantly racist and derogatory comments are rife. Appears they are a bunch of Neo Nazi’s who accuse Rafa, Serena etc of doping (Serena is apparently a man) etc etc. The visiting Federer fans that hate Nadal will find Roger also accused. I can understand anti-west views to a degree but this is pretty sick! The hacking experts won’t have to look far.

    • Thanks for visiting them and reporting! I expected them to be exactly like that. I have watched documentaries about propaganda in Russia and partly I could not believe my eyes about what is going on there. Haha, yes, Serena is a man, of course she is! *ironie off*.
      Also my last word on this:

  4. Have you seen the comments on the YouTube video? These are the ‘attitudes’ im talking about. Pretty ignorant. It cries our for more awareness on the issue.

    • I used my phone so maybe the comments were cut off. There was music. I just thought it awful. The interview was pretty good and GQ supplied the link for the video so I wasn’t expecting that type of video.

      • After seeing the video and you asking me about the comments, I had no intention.

        I meant to direct my question to Fedallica because she would be upset, I think. And I don’t want her blaming herself for us seeing the video. She may have left.

      • I watched the video now, and worst of all was the music! How awful !!!!

        I will prevent myself to read the comments on youtube, as I can imagine! Horrible!
        (Today I already had my dose of horrible comments related an tabloid article from a swiss paper abut Rafas WADA- files being leaked by the hackers – it was enough for today! ).

    • Ahhhh Fedallica, I’ve been staring at this for half hour in disbelief! I’m about to do a research project on social attitudes towards involuntary tic disorder and only had 2 clear citations from Rafa and his mother. This is my third and it’s a biggie! I held myself back from tweeting back to the source as I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do. Well done for spotting the importance of this in relation to his ‘routines’ and not the comic value. Rafa’s statement is even clearer than the one in Informe Robinson.

      • Oh, wow! so now you found what you can use as a quote?😱 Thats amazing.
        I also am insecure about posting direct links as I’m scared to be removed from the site…

        I know… I had to giggle a lot about the first part (he is such a cutie when being asked such questions…😆) but then came the last questions and they are giving exactly the answer about what we discussed some weeks ago and proof what you also wrote.
        (Btw Teresa, if you once like to contact me directly on twitter, i’m there with the same name but I don’t know yours. Just in case).

      • Btw. that research you make sounds so interesting! 😱(Would be very, very interested to read it once in future, in case there will be an option).

    • I saw the video and all I can say is OMG, OMG, OMG.

      Tony said Rafa does it only during matches but not at other times. He even stated that if Rafa did it at other times, then it would be a problem. This was during an interview conducted in English.

      • What video Margo? I’ve only seen the article above. Can you provide the source? Uncle Toni has contradicted both Rafa and his mother so it would be useful to know when he said this. We’ve all seen Rafa tic-ing off court haven’t we? It lessens but is always present. I have a video of him tic-ing as a child off court.

      • Teresa, I was referring to the video from Dedallica’s link.

        As for Tony, I have looked for that interview without success. I believe it was a few years ago. If I remember correctly, that is exactly what he said. I remembered it because there was a discussion here and I brought it up at the time. It is so much a part of him that I never give it a second thought and probably don’t even notice it at times. If it’s still on the net you will find it. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

      • Teresa AND Fedallica,

        How about “underwear adjusting?”
        There is a link within the interview that @Fedallica supplied us with showing Rafa doing his thing. One or two shots I don’t believe it is really him.

      • I usually say clothes pulling but said ‘wedgie picking’ (that autoed to plucking) to help identify the video.

      • Teresa, I just checked the video to make sure I gave you and Fesallica correct info. That is what they are calling it. Sorry as did not realize it was name of video. I just hit the play button.

      • I don’t know if this will help you with your paper. There is a short segment of a long article, with Tony being quoted on Rafa’s habits:

        ESPN+Why Nadal Needs To Break His Habits
        It’s dated June 8, 2012

      • In Fedallica’s link to the GQ article about Rafa’s underwear, there is a YouTube link showing Rafa “adjusting” his underwear. That’s why I said, OMG OMG OMG

    • Hi Fedallica, I have to get ethical approval first. It’s a long winded system. It won’t be finished until the end of the year and I have to have very valid justification for proposing it. The study of attitudes towards any mental health issue is important so Im hopeful. I’ll let you know how I get on. I’ve only just opened a Twitter account mainly because I was missing out on a wealth of information about Rafa but will contact you on yours – thanks:). Also thanks for changing the horrible subject of doping which I hate.

      • Oh, wow! Sounds like a lot of work is waiting for you, but what a fascinating field to make research!

        Ok, I understand. Thanks a lot! Would be great to meet you on Twitter, once. Just take your time.

        I now also found the video link inside of the text of the interview that I linked, (but nothing new… and what horrble music they play! *dislike*). And I do not even want to read the comments! They must be awful.

        I still love the interview because of the way he answers, and have to giggle again, though.

        oh, I see I startet a mess in here, once again… I almost forgot that this topic was about that wada-leaks….

        Have a good night, Margo and Teresa and anybody else who is suffering by reading this huddle of posts from us. Excuse me!

      • Fedallica, I thought the interview was really great. Rafa seemed very at ease and open about questions posed to him. There was no hint of confrontation in the text.
        Don’t worry about the video.

  5. Let’s look at the bright side of this:
    The data shows that Rafa was out with injury which completely refutes the idiotic speculation suggesting he was serving any hidden bans.
    I learnt today that independent medics make the decisions completely blind to who the player is, so suggestions of covering up for top players are also out the window.
    As one reporter kindly pointed out Rafa’s 2009 loss to Sodderling was almost certainly due to tendinitis (sorry Sodderling!) (No wonder he choked in 2010)
    Rafa was completely inactive during the time of taking medication.
    The medication he took are common treatments which you and I would be prescribed for the same condition. They are not performance enhancers.

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