Rafa Roundup: May 27, 2013


AP Photo/Michel Spingler
AP Photo/Michel Spingler

For a man who has lost just once in eight years playing the clay courts here at Roland Garros, Rafael Nadal surprisingly admits to feeling moments of great vulnerability. Unfortunately for Novak Djokovic, who has made winning the 2013 French Open Championship his No1 priority of the year, he does not reveal any weakness that might be exploited if, as expected, they meet in the semi-final.

How many times have we seen Rafa play defense for 10, 12, 19 strokes, lulling his opponent into a false sense of safety, before breaking his competitor’s spirit with an off-the-back-foot wrist-snapping forehand pass? Superego tennis at its best.

Veo a un jugador más agresivo que antes, que quiere seguir mejorando, que evoluciona a pesar de todo lo conseguido en el pasado, consciente de que los rivales cada vez le conocen más y sobre todo que se da cuenta de la importancia de cuidar su cuerpo intentando pasar menos horas en pista.


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One comment

  1. Hey Rafa, here we go or must i say here you go, its time for another tournament so time to go out and get um, may the golden star shine on you.

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